Dive into the voices & stories of students who own their learning & impact their communities

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Global Citizens Taking Action to Preserve Earth’s Resources in Grade 2

Guiding Question How might we use our understanding of Earth’s resources to inspire our school community to take action for a sustainable future?Key TakeawaysA deep di...

Holistic Global Citizenship: A Deep Dive Into Inspire Citizens’ Stories & Services

Guiding Question How do Inspire Citizens promote holistic global citizenship in schools around the world?Key TakeawaysDesigning a systemic approach to holistic global ...

Empowering Genuine Impact & Global Citizenship Through Long-Term Community Partnerships

Guiding Question: How might we create opportunities for our students to develop as leaders through their involvement in long-term community partnerships?Key Takeaways:...

Global Citizen Filmmakers: Breaking Down Stereotypes Through Deep Community Connection

Guiding Question: How might we create media, share stories, and create deep, personal connections to dispel stereotypes within our communities?Key Takeaways:The import...

Compassionate Global Citizens: Words Can Have An Impact But Actions Are Stronger

Guiding Question: How do we develop compassion for ourselves, compassion for others, and compassion for nature, and how might we turn that compassion into action? Key ...

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